Monday 17 October 2011

Animatic Evaluation

The animatic we created allowed us to map out a visual layout for our documentary, it made us think about what content we want, for how long and in what order. We gave it aproximate timings but close to filming we will need to sort out more specific periods of time so that we have a target to work to.

The difficult part was deciding what ideas to include and what not to, we had many interesting and intuitive ideas for our documentary but when it came down to it, we had to select sensible and suitable ideas which were realistically going to work well.

The problems that I can see occuring in our project are:
  • If nobody wants to talk about the riots
  • If there's no signs of damage anywhere
  • Getting good quality stock footage/CCTV from the riots
This animatic gives us a basis and a template to work on for our documentary so we have an idea of what we want to come out with at the end. We can modify it as we go but at least we're now not just going in without a clue!

Thursday 13 October 2011


We created a storyboard on paper for the layout of our documentary then took photographs and brought them into iMovie video editing software to create an animatic.

We used the song 'Jungle' by Professor Green because it doesn't have to many words at the beginning and the words that are used apply to our subject of riots, and the attitudes adopted by the rioters. This is portrayed with the lyrics 'so I just take what I can find' which links in with the looting that occurred during the riots.